Suspicious Package

A User Guide

Looking for something specific? The User Guide and FAQ are indexed within the app — open Suspicious Package, click on the Help menu (Command-?), and type in the Search field. Results listed under Help Topics link directly to the appropriate User Guide section or FAQ entry here.

Opening an Installer Package

If you've recently downloaded a macOS installer package, Suspicious Package shows it on the right side of its “welcome” window: the Suspicious Package welcome window

Double-click the package you want to inspect, and Suspicious Package will open it.

Suspicious Package can't open a disk image (.dmg) file directly. You must open the disk image first — i.e. by double-clicking it in the Finder. If there is an installer package inside the opened disk image, it will appear in the Suspicious Package welcome window. See more in the FAQ

If the package you want isn't shown in the welcome window, there are several ways that you can tell Suspicious Package where to find it:

If you don't see the Open With Suspicious Package item in the Services menu or in the Finder context menu, choose Finder > Services > Services Preferences, go to the Development group, and make sure that Open With Suspicious Package is checked. You can also add a keyboard shortcut here, if you wish, but that's not necessary to make the menu item appear.
On earlier versions of macOS, you could control-click a package and use Open With > Suspicious Package. However, this no longer works after the macOS 13.3 update.

Whichever method you choose, Suspicious Package will open the package and show an overview in the Package Info tab: the Package Info tab

In addition to opening installer packages, you can also open “installer receipts” with Suspicious Package. For more on receipts, see below.

Browsing Installed Files

To see the files that will be installed by the package, select the All Files tab: the All Files tab Or use Window > All Files (Command-2).

Find Like the Finder

The All Files tab is designed to work much like the Finder's list view, so:

Locations in the Go menu

Suspicious Package also provides quick access to some standard locations via the Go menu. For example, you can go right to the Applications folder using Go > Applications (Command-Shift-A). If a location is disabled in the Go menu, the package doesn't install anything there.

To see an item in context, select it and use File > Show Destination Folder in Finder (Command-R). This reveals the folder where the selected item would be installed, showing any existing version of the item.

Get Additional Metadata

the file Info pane

When you select a file or folder in the All Files tab, the Info pane will show any additional metadata that Suspicious Package has about the item. If the Info pane isn't visible, click the Get Info toolbar button Get Info toolbar button to show it.

Most of this metadata is declared by the package, but some — such as the Executable architectures and the Entitlements — must be extracted from the actual payload of the package. Especially for a large package, it may take some time for Suspicious Package to finish extracting this metadata, so you might see an “Analyzing payload” placeholder initially. The progress of this analysis is shown in the status bar, and when it completes, Suspicious Package will update the Info pane. The Kind, Identifier and Version might also be updated, if Suspicious Package finds information that is more accurate.
Most of the metadata attributes can be selected, and thus copied. Unfortunately, this can make the cycling attributes, such as Kind, a bit squirrelly to work with. If you single-click, Suspicious Package will still cycle through the different values. If you double- or triple-click, Suspicious Package will instead enter selection mode, with the appropriate select-word or select-all behavior. If you want to get out of selection mode, so that the attribute values cycle again, press the Escape key. Or click on the label for the attribute, instead of the attribute value: this will always cycle the attribute, regardless of selection state.
If you want to see additional installer-specific metadata about component packages and bundle overwrite rules, turn on Component Package and Bundle Info in Suspicious Package > Preferences > General.

Get More Information with Quick Look Previews

If you want information that isn't shown on the Info pane, you can use the macOS Quick Look feature to “preview” the selected item. On the All Files tab, select any item — including an app or other bundle — and click the Quick Look toolbar button Quick Look toolbar button , use File > Quick Look Item (Cmd-Y), or press the spacebar, just as you'd do in the Finder.

Suspicious Package will automatically export the item (into a temporary location) and ask Quick Look to generate a preview. For example, if you select an app bundle — and if you have our Apparency app installed — you'll see detailed information, including supported processor architectures, code-signing information and more: previewing an app bundle via Quick Look

Of course, you can preview any kind of item — such as a property list, an image or a PDF file. As when previewing files in the Finder, the results will depend on what third-party Quick Look extensions you have installed and activated; open System Settings and go to Privacy & Security > Others > Extensions > Quick Look to see which apps come with Quick Look extensions. (On macOS 12 or earlier, open System Preferences and go to Extensions > Quick Look.)

If you want information about an app (or other bundle) — and you have Apparency installed — you can preview the bundle itself or the main executable inside it (e.g., depending on what information you want. To see the supported architectures, for example, previewing the executable will suffice (and may take less time and disk space). But if you want to see the code signature or related information, you'll need to preview the bundle.

If you want to examine the item further, click Show in Finder to reveal the exported item, or Copy Export Path to copy the path of the exported item to the clipboard, e.g. so you can paste it into a Terminal command.

To generate the preview, Suspicious Package exports the item to a temporary location, and always adds a quarantine, to minimize the chance of opening something malicious. Depending on what you do with the item after revealing it in the Finder, you may get a Gatekeeper dialog, saying that Suspicious Package “created” the item.
The temporary location that contains the exported item will be cleaned up by Suspicious Package when you close the window for that package. If you want to keep the item around longer, you'll need to copy it somewhere else first.

Go Back in History

Go Back menu

Suspicious Package keeps track as you navigate through the All Files view. To retrace your steps, click the Back toolbar button Back toolbar button or use Go > Back (Command-[).

If you hold down the Back button momentarily, you can jump back to a specific point in the history.

Of course, once you've gone back, you can use the Forward button Forward toolbar button to go in the other direction again.

Open Additional Tabs

If you find files or folders that you want to come back to, you might find it useful to open additional tabs: opening multiple tabs

To open another tab identical to the current All Files view, use File > Open in New Tab (Command-T).

To open a new tab with the contents of a specific folder, hold down Command while double-clicking the folder.

To open a new tab for a specific folder without immediately selecting that new tab (a.k.a. Open in New Tab in Background), hold down both Shift and Command while double-clicking the folder. For example, if you see several folders that you want to examine, you can Shift-Command-double-click all of them, and then move between the new tabs.

To quickly cycle between open tabs, use Window > Next Tab in Package (Shift-Command-]) or Window > Previous Tab in Package (Shift-Command-[).

To rearrange tabs, simply drag them around in the tab bar.

To close a tab, click the close button close tab button or use File > Close Tab (Shift-Command-W).

Starting in macOS 10.12 (Sierra), Apple introduced window tabs, which are supported automatically in most applications — including Suspicious Package. By default, window tabs are used only in full screen mode, but you can change this in System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Windows & Apps > Prefer tabs when opening documents (or on macOS 12 or earlier, in System Preferences > Dock > Prefer tabs when opening documents). Or you can manage window tabs manually from the Window menu of the app.

Note that the macOS window tabs do not replace Suspicious Package's own tabs. Window tabs represent different packages, which would otherwise be shown in separate windows. Suspicious Package tabs represent different parts of a single package, such as Scripts or All Files. When you enable window tabs, you'll see two tab bars, e.g.: macOS window tabs versus Suspicious Package tabs The window tabs are on top, while the Suspicious Package tabs are underneath.

View Installed Property List Files

If the package installs any property list files, you can view these directly from Suspicious Package (or you can use another app, as discussed below).

For example, if you want to see the contents of some “Info.plist” file, you can select the file and use File > Show Item as Property List: showing a property list file

If you're looking for a particular key or value, click in the search field (or use Cmd-F) and type the text you want to find. Suspicious Package will show only the rows that match, or for arrays or dictionaries, the rows that contain matches. Click the search options button search options button to choose between searching keys and values, or to restrict the way that text matches. Click the cancel button cancel search button to return to viewing the unfiltered property list.

In a standard “Info.plist” file, most keys are defined by macOS. For these standard keys, Suspicious Package can usually open the corresponding documentation on Apple's Developer site. Select a row and click Open Apple Documentation for Key. Or, move the pointer over a key name, and if a link button link to documentation button appears on the right side, click this to open the documentation.

If the Open Apple Documentation for Key button is disabled, Suspicious Package doesn't have a direct link for the selected key, either because the key isn't documented or because we didn't find the documentation to index it. If the button doesn't appear at all, Suspicious Package doesn't consider the file to be a standard “Info.plist” file, and so doesn't know where to find documentation for its keys.

Open Installed Files in Another App

opening file with other application

In addition to property lists, Suspicious Package chooses a few other kinds of installed files — mostly plain text files — and makes these available to open in another app.

Select the file and use File > Open Item With, and choose a specific app. Suspicious Package shows all apps that claim to be able to open the selected kind of file.

You can always choose the Finder, which means that the file will be revealed in a Finder window. This can be helpful if you want to manipulate it in the Terminal, or in some application that can't “open” the file, per se, but can import or analyze it.

Suspicious Package also picks a default application (based on the file kind), which can be opened with Command-Shift-O. If you want to change the default application for all files of the current kind, hold down Option and use File > Always Open Kind With. This is meant to work like the Finder's Open With feature.

If File > Open Item With is disabled, the selected file is not one that Suspicious Package has made available for viewing. Suspicious Package picks files that it suspects will be useful and that are likely to be viewable. It skips files that are especially large, to avoid using tons of disk space for files that you're unlikely to open. If you find a file that you want to see but that Suspicious Package doesn't make available, consider previewing it with Quick Look or exporting it from the package.

When you use the Open With command, Suspicious Package writes the file to a temporary location, and hands that temporary copy off to the chosen application. All of these temporary files are removed when you close the Suspicious Package window for that package. If you want to keep the file around longer, you will need to copy it somewhere else, or export a copy elsewhere.

View Entitlements for Installed Apps

Entitlements are associated with an app — or some other bundle or executable — and enumerate specific capabilities that the app requests to do its work. macOS grants (or denies) these capabilities to the app, based on the entitlements and (sometimes) other restrictions. Entitlements take several forms:

Suspicious Package extracts the entitlements from the package payload, and makes these available to view for individual apps, bundles or executables. From the All Files tab, click the Show Entitlements button in the Info pane, or use File > Show Entitlements for Item (Cmd-Control-E) to view the entitlements for the selected item: entitlements view

If there are many entitlements and you're looking for a particular one, click in the search field (or use Cmd-F) and type the key you want to find. Suspicious Package will show only the rows that match. Click the search options button search options button to choose between searching keys and values, or to restrict the way that text matches. Click the cancel button cancel search button to return to viewing the unfiltered entitlements.

For the entitlements that are not private-to-Apple keys, Suspicious Package can usually open the corresponding documentation on Apple's Developer site. Select a row and click Open Apple Documentation for Key. Or, move the pointer over a key name, and if a link button link to documentation button appears on the right side, click this to open the documentation. (This may be disabled if the entitlement key isn't documented, or if we didn't find the documentation to index it.)

Alternatively, Suspicious Package can show a “merged” view of all entitlements requested by all of the executables installed by the package. This can be helpful to get an overall sense of what the installed software will do, especially when creating a Privacy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC) Profile. Use File > Show Entitlements for All Executables (Cmd-Control-A) to view the merged entitlements: these are explained further in the FAQ.

Show Launch Information for Installed Apps

macOS has various features that control how and when a specific app or other executable might be launched. Suspicious Package extracts some of this launch-related information, and makes it available to view for for individual apps, bundles or executables.

Some launch information isn't readily available from the package payload, so Suspicious Package doesn't provide all of the same information as Apparency, which is able to work with the actual installed app. If you need this additional information, though, you can export the app to open it in Apparency, or preview it with Quick Look, and then open it in Apparency from there.

From the All Files tab, use File > Show Launch Information for Item (Cmd-Shift-L) to show the Launch Information inspector for the selected item: launch info view

In this inspector, you'll find the following launch-related information:

Searching and Filtering the Installed Files

In addition to browsing through the folder hierarchy on the All Files tab, you can also search for files by name or other attributes.

Searching by Name

To search for files (or folders) whose name contains specific text, use Edit > Search Package (Command-F). Enter the text in the search field and press Return to do the search: search results

Suspicious Package will show the matching files and folders. It also lists the nearest enclosing bundle or top-level folder, to give some context to each match.

To see details for a matching item, select it and examine the Info pane.

The path bar at the bottom of the window shows the complete folder path for the selected item: you can double-click on any folder in the path bar to open that folder, and show the matching item in context. Then, if you want to go back to the search results, use the Back button.

Searching Within a Folder

If you open a folder, and then start a search, you'll have the option to limit the search to the contents of that folder.

Use the buttons on the left side of the search bar to switch between the original folder and the entire contents of the package: changing search scope Note that searching within a folder considers the entire contents of that folder, no matter how many subfolders it contains.

Filtering on Other Attributes

In addition to the name of a file, you can search on other attributes. For example, you can show all files of a particular kind.

First enter search mode using Edit > Search Package (Command-F). Then click the add button add search rule button on the right side of the search bar: adding search rules

From here, you can add and edit rules, very much as in the Finder. For example, if you choose the “kind” attribute, you'll get a pop-up menu containing all of the file kinds that are installed by the current package — this is also a quick way to look for “interesting” kinds of files (such as kernel extensions, or privileged tools): filter by kind

You can also incorporate file name-based rules here, with more control over the matching of the entered text (such as a file name that starts or ends with the text, or which matches the case of letters exactly).

Note that, if you hold down the Option key, the add button add search rule button becomes an ellipsis button ellipsis button — this adds a new group of sub-rules, allowing you to construct arbitrarily complex Boolean requirements, if you should be so inclined.

Saving Searches

Once you've set up a search — especially a complex one involving multiple rules — you might want to save it for later.

A saved search can be reused in any package. If you have a standard set of things you look for in a package, saved searches are a good way to go.

To save the current search, click the Save As button on the right side of the search bar: saving a search and give the search a name: naming a search

Later, you can redo the search by choosing it from the Go menu: naming a search

If you modify the search rules, you can click Save As again to either update the search (using the same name as before) or save it under a different name.

To rename or delete saved searches, use Suspicious Package > Preferences > Searches.

Exporting Installed Files

If you want to examine the contents of a file that would be installed, you can tell Suspicious Package to export it. Select any file or folder, and use File > Export Item (Command-Shift-E). Choose a name and location, and Suspicious Package will extract the item from the package.

Alternatively, you can export the selected item directly to your Downloads folder with File > Export Item to Default Folder (Command-Option-E). Suspicious Package will use the same name as the item being exported, unless there's already an item by that name there. To change the default folder to use for exports, use Suspicious Package > Preferences > General > Default export location.

You can also drag a file or folder out of Suspicious Package, into the Finder or onto your desktop, and it will be exported to that location.

The macOS installer package format is not optimized for partial expansion, so exporting one small item can take almost as much time as exporting everything. If you export multiple items in quick succession, Suspicious Package does its best to export them in parallel. But if you plan to export a number of items underneath a single folder, you may find it faster to just export the folder itself.

Using the Exports List

the Exports status UI Depending on the size of the package, exporting a file or folder might take awhile. Click the Exports toolbar button Exports toolbar button to see information about running and finished exports.

If you decide you want to cancel a long-running export, click its cancel button cancel export button .

To show an exported item in the Finder, click its show button show export in Finder button .

To select an exported item in Suspicious Package, click its info button select export in Suspicious Package button . This can be useful if you forgot where the item would be installed, or want to see what metadata it would have when installed.

Exporting Is Not Installing

The intention of Suspicious Package's export feature is to allow you to inspect the contents of installed files, and not to behave as a “partial installer.” An item exported by Suspicious Package may differ from the version installed by the macOS Installer in a number of ways:

quarantine warning on exported application

If you are suspicious of a package, the last thing you want is for an exported file to be inadvertently opened, especially if it's an application.

To minimize this risk, Suspicious Package will mark all exported items as if they were “downloaded from the Internet,” much as Safari does (macOS calls this a quarantine). If the exported item is opened, Gatekeeper may block it, or at least present a warning before opening, such as shown here.

Gatekeeper says that Suspicious Package “created” the file, simply because it wrote the file after exporting. If you click the Show Source button, macOS will open the source package using Suspicious Package.

Examining Install Scripts

In addition to installing files, a package can contain “install scripts,” which are run by the macOS Installer. These scripts typically run as the root user, and can do anything (with some limitations imposed by the System Integrity Protection feature of macOS).

There are countless legitimate reasons for a package to have install scripts — starting and stopping background processes, cleaning up and rebuilding caches, and so on. But a malicious package could take advantage of this mechanism to wreak havoc, and even well-intentioned-but-buggy packages might do damage.

To see the install scripts that the package contains, select the All Scripts tab: the All Scripts tab Or use Window > All Scripts (Command-3).

Unfortunately, the hard part is actually auditing the install scripts for safety, which requires knowledge of the scripting language being used. Suspicious Package tries to give a few clues, but it can still be a challenge. As a general rule, the less you understand what the install scripts do, the more you should trust the distributor of the package before installing it — and the more carefully you'll want to vet the package signature (to ensure that the distributor is really who you think it is).

The Scripts Browser

On the left side of the All Scripts tab, a browser pane shows all of the install scripts in the package.

scripts browser If the package uses folders to organize its scripts — most do — these will be shown as well.

A package typically contains one or more sub-packages — known as component packages — each of which can contain its own set of scripts. For this reason, the scripts in the browser pane are usually grouped by component package.

If the top-level package also contains scripts, these are grouped under an “Installer Package” heading at the top of the browser.

The Many Flavors of Install Scripts

The macOS Installer has specific “hooks” for running install scripts — a preinstall script is run before the package files are installed, and a postinstall script is run after. That sounds very simple, but you will often see more than just these two files in the scripts browser.

In fact, a preinstall or postinstall script can, in turn, run other scripts, or even standalone applications. So even though the macOS Installer does not directly run anything but preinstall and postinstall, the other scripts in the package are likely still used (or they wouldn't be there).

The scripts browser shows all the scripts, including any “indirect” ones. (The indirect scripts are sometimes put into subfolders within the package, but that is at the whim of the package creator.) Generally, to understand how the indirect scripts are run, you have to start at the top — preinstall and postinstall — and work your way down. Suspicious Package can help a bit by searching for where an indirect script is invoked.

Packages that come from Apple use a convention where a generic preinstall script runs all of the scripts in the sibling preinstall_actions folder — and likewise with postinstall and postinstall_actions. When you're looking at an Apple package and see this pattern, you can usually focus on the actions folder instead. But be careful not to make this assumption in non-Apple packages, because the “generic” top-level script might not actually do what you expect!

View An Install Script

Most install scripts are in a plain text format — usually a scripting language like Perl, Python or Ruby, or the Bourne or Bash shell. If you select a plain text script in the browser, the text of the script will be shown in the center pane: showing a plain text script The Info pane on the right will show metadata about the script, including some clues about how the script will be run. (If the Info pane isn't visible, click the Get Info toolbar button Get Info toolbar button to show it.) The “When” field indicates which macOS Installer hook applies — preinstall (“Before moving files into place”), postinstall (“After moving files into place”) and so on. The “Arguments” table describes the command-line arguments that the macOS Installer will pass to the script, in terms of the current scripting language.

info pane for indirect script For an indirect script, the “When” will be shown as unknown. If you click the Search For References button, Suspicious Package will search for all scripts that contain the indirect script's name, and will show those matching scripts. This may help you figure out how the indirect script is used, presumably by some preinstall or postinstall script. However, keep in mind that Suspicious Package doesn't actually understand what any of the scripts do; this is just doing a simple text search.

You can also search for text within the current script. Use Edit > Find in Script (Command-Option-F), and enter the text to find in the search bar at the bottom of the center pane: script search bar Alternatively, if you select some text and want to find other instances of the same text, you can simply use Edit > Use Selection for Find (Command-E).

You can also use the macOS Quick Look feature to preview an item selected in the scripts browser,using the Quick Look toolbar button Quick Look toolbar button , or File > Quick Look Item (Cmd-Y). For plain text scripts, you might want to do this if you have a syntax-aware preview extension installed, allowing you to inspect the script with syntax coloring. For binary scripts, you might have a different preview extension — such as Apparency — that can give you useful information.
Some install scripts are not in a plain text format at all. For example, a script might be a binary (“Mach-O”) executable, which is especially opaque. (There are sometimes good reasons for having binary executables as install scripts, such as needing access to an API that can't be used from a scripting language, so this isn't necessarily a sign of subterfuge.) In such cases, you might try a Quick Look preview (see above), try opening the script in another application, or if it's an indirect script, searching for references. Or, you might simply need to focus more on other evidence of trustworthiness, such as the identity of the distributor.

Open Scripts in Another Application

opening script with other application If you prefer to view a script in another application — or if the script is not plain text and can't be shown — you can tell Suspicious Package to open that script differently using File > Open Item With.

Suspicious Package picks a default application (based on the script kind), which can be opened with Command-Shift-O. If you want to change the default application for all scripts of the current kind, hold down Option and use File > Always Open Kind With. This is all meant to work like the Finder's Open With feature.

You can also tell Suspicious Package to open a script with the Finder, which means that the script will be revealed in a Finder window. This can be helpful if you want to manipulate it in the Terminal, or in some application that can't directly “open” the script (but can import it or analyze it in some other way).

When you use the Open With command, Suspicious Package writes the script to a temporary location, and hands that temporary copy off to the chosen application. All of these temporary files are removed when you close the Suspicious Package window for that package. If you want to keep the script around longer, you will need to copy it somewhere else, e.g. by telling Suspicious Package to open it with the Finder, and Option-dragging it elsewhere.

Going Backward & Opening Additional Tabs

The All Scripts tab works like the All Files tab, in that it keeps a history of the scripts that you've selected. To retrace your steps, click the Back toolbar button Back toolbar button or use Go > Back (Command-[). Or hold the Back button down momentarily to jump back to a specific point in the history.

You can also open additional Scripts tab as needed. For example, you might want to leave a script open in a separate tab to remind yourself to come back and examine it more closely. To open the currently selected script in a new tab, use File > Open in New Tab (Command-T).

Searching and Filtering in Install Scripts

In addition to finding text within a single script, you can also search across all install scripts for specific text (among other attributes). This works much the same way as searching in the All Files tab.

Searching Plain Text Content

To search for plain text scripts that contain specific text — perhaps an interesting command name — use Edit > Search Package (Command-F). Enter the text in the search field and press Return to do the search: script search results

Suspicious Package will enable the matching scripts in the scripts browser (and disable everything else). You can then select any matching script, and the matching text within the script will be highlighted. Use the navigation buttons in the search bar to move between the matches within each script: navigation via script search bar

Filtering on Other Attributes

The plain text content of scripts is usually the most useful thing to search, but if you need more control, you can add other rules, as in the All Files tab.

First, enter search mode using Edit > Search Package (Command-F). Click the add button add search rule button on the right side of the search bar. Then you can add and edit rules as needed.

Saving Searches

Script searches can be saved for later use, exactly as for All Files searches.

Note that the Go menu will list whatever saved searches are appropriate for the currently selected tab. So you must select an All Scripts tab in order to see the saved Script searches.

Checking the Package Signature

An installer package can be signed with a digital certificate, both to identify the distributor, and to enable detection of any subsequent tampering with the package contents. Suspicious Package evaluates the digital signature and assigns a general category of “trust” to the signing certificate. It also allows you to examine the details of the entire “certificate chain.”

The Gatekeeper feature of macOS also evaluates the signature of any package that was downloaded from the Internet. With the default Security preferences — “Allow apps downloaded from App Store and identified developers” — macOS will refuse to open a downloaded package that was not signed with an Apple-issued “Developer ID” certificate: more on this below.

Trustworthiness of the Signing Certificate

To see how the package was signed (if at all), select the Package Info tab: the Package Info tab Or use Window > Package Info (Command-1).

Suspicious Package shows the name of the certificate that signed the package, along with a trust type, such as Developer ID summary of package signature If the package is simply not signed, Suspicious Package will say so: unsigned package

The trust type is assigned by Suspicious Package, based on the validity and trust of the signing certificate. It will be one of the following:

Trust TypeDescription
Apple Inc. Package was signed with a valid Apple certificate, for distribution of software through, the App Store or macOS Software Update.
Developer ID Package was signed with a valid Developer ID certificate, which was issued by Apple to a third-party developer, for distribution of software outside of the App Store. You can read more about Developer ID certificates below.
valid Package was signed with a certificate that was issued by a certificate authority which is generally trusted by macOS (but which is not an Apple or Developer ID certificate). See more below.
not trusted Package was signed with a certificate that is not trusted by macOS, nor issued by a trusted certificate authority.

Package was signed with a certificate that has expired or been revoked by the certificate authority. All certificates expire after some amount of time. Or a certificate might be revoked because it has been lost or stolen.

In certain cases, macOS can verify that a package was signed before the certificate became invalid (where the signature contains verifiable time-of-signing information). Thus, a package signed by an expired or revoked certificate might still be classified with one of the above valid trust types.

marked as trusted Package was signed with a certificate that would not normally be trusted by macOS, but which is marked as trusted on your computer. You should see this only if you opened Keychain Access and changed the “Trust Settings” for the certificate, or if you have an IT department that did so globally.

Gatekeeper and Developer ID

A “Developer ID” certificate is issued by Apple under the Gatekeeper program. Developers registered with the Apple Developer Program can get Developer ID certificates, and use them to sign their packages (and applications). Suspicious Package assigns the Developer ID trust type to packages signed with a valid Developer ID certificate.

Since Developer ID certificates are tied to the Apple Developer Program, and since that program usually requires real names (or other proof of legal status, e.g. for a corporation), the name of a Developer ID certificate is a bit more likely to be meaningful. But note that Apple doesn't make any explicit promises about vetting of Developer ID identities (see the Developer ID Certification Practice Statement on the Apple PKI page).

Moreover, like any certificate, a Developer ID certificate proves only identity (at best) and not benign intent. Apple doesn't know that someone enrolled in the Apple Developer Program won't try to distribute malware. But if Apple discovers that a Developer ID certificate is being used for that purpose, they have the ability to revoke the certificate (and in all likelihood, terminate the developer's account). Apple can also revoke a certificate at the developer's request, if the certificate has been lost or stolen.

Suspicious Package assigns the revoked trust type to packages signed by a revoked certificate (unless it can be verified that the package was signed before the certificate was revoked). Gatekeeper will also prevent such packages from being opened in the macOS Installer.

Notarization and Packages

Starting in macOS 10.14 (Mojave), Apple introduced the concept of “notarization” for software distributed outside of the App Store. After signing with their Apple-issued Developer ID certificate, the developer uploads their software to Apple's notarization service, which (a) checks that certain macOS security features are enabled (to mitigate the risk posed by legitimate software that might become compromised), and (b) performs an unspecified check for malware. The exact nature of the malware check is vague, probably purposely so, and seems likely to change over time. The value of these checks is a matter that you can find hotly debated on the internet, and we have neither the expertise nor the motivation to wade into it.

Starting in macOS 10.15 (Catalina), Gatekeeper requires that all software be notarized. In macOS 10.14 (Mojave), notarization was generally optional, except for a few special cases introduced in the 10.14.5 update.

Software that has been notarized by Apple is identified by a cryptographic digest (part of its code signature), such that macOS can contact an Apple server at launch time (probably only the first launch) to see if the software was indeed notarized. There is also a provision to attach a cryptographically-signed version of the notarization information to the software — Apple calls this stapling a notarization ticket. Stapling is optional, but allows Gatekeeper to check the notarization even if your Mac is not currently connected to the internet.

So what does all this have to do with macOS Installer packages? Apple's notarization service supports (at this writing) three different container formats for the software to be notarized: disk images, zip files and installer packages. Regardless of the type of container, the software inside is checked and, if approved, notarized. If the container is a disk image or installer package, that container is also notarized, allowing it to be checked before it is opened or installed.

Hence, a macOS Installer package can be notarized, which presumably covers everything installed by the package. A package has its own cryptographic digest, which means that the notarized package can't be modified without invalidating the notarization. (For the xar-savvy: the package digest is the checksum of the TOC, which is also the basis of the package signature.) Suspicious Package checks to see if the package is notarized, and if it is, shows this information on the Package Info tab as follows: package notarization indicator

We have no advice about how much comfort you should take from notarization. The fact that Apple doesn't show notarization status anywhere — aside from a bland statement in the Gatekeeper alert that “Apple checked [the package] for malicious software and none was detected” — might suggest how much they want to promise. Certainly, malware has been notarized in the past, although Apple has been quick about revoking such notarizations promptly once discovered. What Apple says publicly about notarization in its user-facing (as opposed to developer-facing) documentation is not much.

Suspicious Package doesn't require that the package be stapled in order to detect notarization — it uses the spctl(8) command, as described below — but if it is stapled, this will also be noted (as shown above). If you click on the “Notarized by Apple — Stapled Ticket” line, Suspicious Package will show details about the stapled ticket: stapled notarization ticket inspector

This shows the cryptographic digests that are covered by the ticket: one of these corresponds to the package itself, but individual executables within the package are (usually) explicitly notarized as well. Where possible, Suspicious Package will map each digest to an executable and a processor architecture (the latter because code signatures are applied per-architecture, so a Universal executable will have more than one digest). Suspicious Package also shows details of the Apple signature that validates the ticket itself.

Suspicious Package retrieves the notarization status from the macOS spctl(8) command, which is as close as Apple gets to providing an API for notarization information. For reference, the actual command used is:
/usr/sbin/spctl --assess --type install -v the-package
This will return Notarized Developer ID as the source if the package's cryptographic digest is registered on Apple's servers. The package need not be stapled for this to work. Even legacy packages can be retroactively notarized with Apple, so a package that you downloaded long before Mojave existed might still show up as notarized.
If a package is notarized but not stapled, anyone can staple it, as long as you have Xcode (or the Command Line Developer Tools) installed:
/usr/bin/stapler staple the-package
This will contact Apple's servers to get the notarization ticket, and attach it to the package. Once you've done this, you can open the now-stapled package in Suspicious Package and inspect the ticket, as described above. This might be interesting to examine which executables within the package were covered by the notarization.

Interpreting Other Valid Certificates

Although Developer ID certificates have special status for Gatekeeper, a package can instead be signed with a certificate issued by another certificate authority. As long as the certificate authority is trusted by macOS (and the signing certificate otherwise checks out), Suspicious Package assigns the Valid trust type.

That said, a certificate issued by a third-party certificate authority may actually tell you very little. There are different standards of validation for certificates; for example, domain validation requires only that the requestor demonstrate control over a domain name — and the certificate identifies nothing more than that domain name. How much this is worth depends on much you trust the organization that owns that domain name — and how confident you are that you know who owns that domain name!

Also keep in mind that no certificate proves benign intent, only some level of identity. Arguably, a third-party certificate authority has less interest in tracking how certificates are used, simply because they have no vested interest in the security of the macOS platform. So there's that.

Fortunately, with the advent of Gatekeeper and Developer ID, there is not much reason to use third-party certificate authorities for signing macOS installer packages (or applications), so you are unlikely to see them very often.

Packages signed with third-party certificates, even if trusted by macOS, will not be allowed to open by Gatekeeper. Indeed, you may find that you can't even open them in Suspicious Package. If you want to override Gatekeeper — at least to open them in Suspicious Package — you can Control-click on the package, and choose Open With > Suspicious Package, and Gatekeeper will give you the option of opening the package despite the signature issues.

Inspecting the Complete Certificate Chain

Occasionally, you may want to see more information about the signing certificate, or the certificate authority that issued it.

On the Package Info tab, click on the package signature line: click on signature summary Or use Window > Signature Details (Command-5).

Suspicious Package will display the standard macOS certificate trust sheet: package signature details sheet If you click Show Certificate, you can see the complete information about the signing certificate, and the entire chain leading to the certificate authority. As in any other application, you can select an individual certificate in the chain, and click the disclosure arrow next to Details to see more information. (You can even export the certificate by dragging the certificate icon and dropping it in the Finder; this will give you a DER-format file that you can open with Certificate Assistant, or command-line tools like security(1) or OpenSSL x509(1).)

For an explanation of the signing date and time that might be shown here (as in the example above), see the FAQ.

Detecting a Modified Package

Once you've determined that you trust the signing certificate, there's still one more piece to the puzzle: ensuring that the package wasn't modified after being signed by the certificate.

Upon opening a package, Suspicious Package begins checking for various potential issues in the background. Using the signature to detect possible tampering is one of these checks. (It is done in the background because it can take a significant amount of time, especially for large packages.) If a problem is found, Suspicious Package will flag it as a critical issue: see Reviewing Potential Issues.

The macOS Installer will do the same verification of the signature. If this fails, the macOS Installer will stop with an error before any file has been installed, and before any install script has been run. So, waiting for Suspicious Package to do the verification is not strictly necessary, but if you're particularly suspicious of a particular package, you might want to let it do so anyway.

Reviewing Potential Issues

When you open a package in Suspicious Package, it loads information about the installed files and the install scripts, and then it begins to check the package for a number of potential issues. You can go ahead and examine the installed files and scripts while these checks run. The Review toolbar button will show the progress of these checks Review toolbar button showing progress , and will change to show the result when the checks are complete Review toolbar button showing no issues .

If Suspicious Package finds any potential issues, you'll want to review them before deciding that the package is safe to install. Click on the Review toolbar button Review toolbar button showing errors and then click Review Details. Or use Window > Review Details (Command-4).

Either way, Suspicious Package will open a new tab named Review: the Review tab Here you can see descriptions of each of the potential issues. For some issues, there will be a button to get additional information.

Suspicious Package attempts to classify issues by severity. Critical issues are generally clear-cut problems that should raise a red flag. Warnings are suspicious, but after understanding what is going on, you may wish to proceed. Informational issues are typically of minor interest. Of course, these classifications are all somewhat arbitrary, so you should read and understand all issues before deciding to install the package.

Always remember that Suspicious Package is not a malware detector. Even if it finds no issues with a package, that may not mean it is safe to install. You should always examine the installed files, installer scripts and signature information before deciding to install a package.
Especially for large packages, the review may still be in progress when you are ready to proceed. If you close the window — or tell Suspicious Package to open the macOS Installer — before the review is complete, it will warn you that you may wish to wait for the review to finish. Obviously, this is only relevant if you have made the decision to install the package.

Receipts and Previous Installations

If you open a package that was previously installed on your Mac, Suspicious Package shows this on the Package Info tab, e.g.: receipt summary showing previous installation

The previous installation might have used the same package, or perhaps a different version of that package. Suspicious Package can give you a bit more information, but first we need to take a detour into the topic of receipts.

What Are Receipts?

Each time that the macOS Installer installs a package, it creates a “receipt” that contains some information about what was installed. Most significantly, the receipt includes the file listing from the package, which is also the primary source of information for Suspicious Package's All Files tab. The receipt does not contain the scripts from the package, nor the actual installed files, of course.

If a package is composed of multiple component packages, the macOS Installer will actually create multiple receipts, one for each component that was installed.

When you open the package in Suspicious Package, it looks for receipts that correspond to any of its component packages, and it uses those to determine whether or not there was a previous install.

You can also access receipts directly, even if you don't have the original package. But they can be a challenge to find. See more info.

Seeing Receipt Details

To get information about the existing receipts — or the receipts that the package might create — select the Receipts tab: Receipts detail tab

Or use Window > Receipts (Command-6).

On this tab, there is a line for each component package. Components are listed here by their component package identifier, which is the name that macOS uses to match receipts. Also shown is the version of the component inside this package.

For each component that has a matching receipt, Suspicious Package shows the version of the component that was previously installed, where it was installed, and the date and time of the previous installation. The first column gives you a quick way to see how the two versions compare:

If you want to see the files that were installed by the previous version of a component, you can double-click on that row, and Suspicious Package will open the actual receipt in a new window.

Be aware that some vendors are sloppy about the use of component version strings, and may not change them when the package content changes. So even if the version number in the package is the same as that in the receipt, there is still a possibility that the actual content has changed.

Comparing Packages with “Diffable Manifests”

If you want to compare two packages — for example, to find what has changed from one version of a package to another — Suspicious Package has some tools that can help.

Of course, most of the content installed by a package will be in some binary format — Mach-O executables, binary property lists, compiled nib files and so on. There are some excellent apps for comparing two directory structures, but we're not aware of any that can make sense of arbitrary binary files. So simply extracting the entire package payload is not very helpful — and could get very large, besides.

Moreover, you might be interested in how other aspects of the package have changed. For example, the install scripts might do different things, or the signing certificate may have changed.

Suspicious Package attempts to address these difficulties with what we call a diffable manifest. This is a folder that contains metadata about the installed files, scripts and other package attributes, in a way that can be archived and compared. For example, you might export a diffable manifest for version 1 of a package, and check it into a Git repository. Then, later, when you get version 2 of the same package, you might export another diffable manifest, and use git difftool or the like to see what's changed.

Alternatively, Suspicious Package offers a Compare Packages command, which creates a diffable manifest for each package, and sends them directly to a comparison app.

Understanding Diffable Manifests

A diffable manifest is simply a folder that contains a few specific subfolders:

The basic idea is that every file in the diffable manifest is plain text that can be compared, while directories capture the structure of the package payload, and can be navigated like any folder hierarchy (using the Finder or a comparison app). Additionally, any relative symbolic links within the payload — commonly found inside frameworks, for example — are reconstructed in the diffable manifest, and can also be navigated.

Since it represents the entire package payload, the directory structure of a diffable manifest isn't any simpler than the actual payload, of course, but it will be significantly smaller — and, we hope, more easily comparable.

You can adjust some aspects of diffable manifests by going to Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare > Diffable Manifests Include. The preferences you set here apply to all diffable manifests, whether created directly or using the Compare Packages command. Of course, you'll want to be careful about changing these after having archived a diffable manifest, since that guarantees differences that aren't due to changes in the package itself.

Exporting a Diffable Manifest

To create a diffable manifest, open the package in Suspicious Package, and use File > Export Package as Diffable Manifest. Choose where to write the diffable manifest folder, and click Export. When the manifest is ready, Suspicious Package will show it in the Finder.

Unfortunately, because a diffable manifest is just a folder, you can't click on an existing version to replace it — the standard macOS Save dialog instead opens the folder, and then you'll wind up creating the manifest inside of it. But if you navigate to the same containing folder and enter the same name, the old version will be replaced.

If you specify a folder that already exists, Suspicious Package will (by default) only replace the All Files, All Scripts and Package Info subfolders inside it, leaving any other files or folders untouched. In particular, this allows you to “overwrite” a previous version without stomping on a .git subdirectory or the like. However, if you do want to completely replace the previous folder, click Options and uncheck Preserve other files and subfolders, such as .git. (The alert saying that “[The folder] already exists. Do you want to replace it?” will appear either way, simply because that's the standard macOS Save dialog behavior.)

Starting in version 4.5, Suspicious Package includes any minimum macOS version requirements in the diffable manifest. Although this is useful information, you might want to suppress it — say, if you've archived a diffable manifest made with the previous version of Suspicious Package, and plan to compare them. For this reason, Suspicious Package allows you to choose the manifest version to export: click Options and choose either Version 2 (the current version that includes macOS version requirements) or Version 1 (the previous version that does not).

Comparing Two Open Packages

Alternatively, if both of the packages that you want to compare are already open in Suspicious Package, you can compare them without having to explicitly export diffable manifests.

Choose File > Compare Packages (Cmd-K). Make sure the correct packages are selected in the dialog, and click Compare. (If you select a package that is still being reviewed, the Compare button will become enabled once the review is complete.) Compare Packages dialog

Suspicious Package will automatically export a diffable manifest for each package — to a temporary location — and send these to the comparison app.

Suspicious Package currently supports these comparison apps:

To change the comparison app that Suspicious Package will use, go to Suspicious Package > Preferences > Compare > Compare Packages Using.

Don't see the comparison app you want to use? We are definitely open to adding support for other apps, but we decided to start small here — especially since we aren't sure how useful this comparison feature actually is. That said, if there is a specific comparison app you would like to see supported, please let us know.

On to the macOS Installer?

Presumably, the reason you've spent all this time examining a package is to install it. Once you've made the decision to do that, you can quickly open the package in the macOS Installer by clicking the Installer toolbar button Installer button or using File > Open in Installer (Command-Shift-I). If you hold down Option while doing either, the package will be automatically closed in Suspicious Package after the macOS Installer opens.

Using From Quick Look

Suspicious Package also includes a Quick Look preview extension, so you can get a quick preview of a package from anywhere that Quick Look is supported. The traditional method is to select a package in the Finder and use File > Quick Look (Command-Y), or just press the spacebar. But Suspicious Package will also preview packages in other contexts — for example, if you use View > as Gallery or View > Show Preview in the Finder: Quick Look preview

The Quick Look preview gives you essentially the same information as the Package Info tab of the app. Suspicious Package tries to fit the preview into the space available for it — although macOS makes us guess about this, so you may need to resize the preview pane to see some information.

To get more details, click on Open with Suspicious Package. You can also go directly to a specific tab by clicking on any line in the preview that highlights when you move the mouse pointer over it, or that has a link indicator Package Info follow link indicator in the large-format preview.

The “spkg” Command-Line Tool

Suspicious Package provides a command-line tool — called spkg — that can be useful when you're working in the Terminal. You can use it to open a package at a specified path, optionally jumping right to a particular directory in the All Files tab, or to the All Scripts tab. You can also use it to retrieve information about the package signature — including information that is not available through the standard macOS command-line tools.

“Installing” the Command-Line Tool

The spkg tool is delivered inside the Suspicious Package application bundle, but consistent with our philosophy that you should decide when and how to install software on your Mac, the app does not try to install the command line tool for you.

The easiest way to use spkg is to make a symbolic link to it, inside some directory that is already in your shell's search path. You can get the path to the tool (regardless of where Suspicious Package itself is installed) by using Help > About the Command-Line Tool, and clicking Copy Path to “spkg” Tool. Then paste that into a Terminal command something like this:

ln -s ⌘V /usr/local/bin

Run spkg with no arguments to see usage information, or see the examples below.

The spkg tool relies upon other resources inside the Suspicious Package application bundle, so don't try to copy or hard-link the tool somewhere else, or it will simply abort when you try to run it. A symbolic link works because the executable can still find the rest of Suspicious Package relative to itself. If you don't want to use a symbolic link, though, you can use any other mechanism that expands to the actual tool path retrieved through Copy Path to “spkg” Tool, such as a shell alias.

Opening Packages from the Command Line

If you're already working in a directory where there's a package you want to inspect, you can quickly open it like so:

spkg JavaForOSX.pkg

This will tell Suspicious Package to open JavaForOSX.pkg, and bring the app forward. This is basically equivalent to using the open(1) command like so:

open -a 'Suspicious Package' JavaForOSX.pkg

except that it's more succinct.

If you want to see what files are installed in some standard location, such as /Applications, you can jump there directly, like this:

spkg --reveal-file /Applications JavaForOSX.pkg

This will open the package in Suspicious Package, as above, and then automatically switch to the All Files tab, with the Applications folder selected.

Or if you want to go directly to the All Scripts tab, you can do this:

spkg --reveal-scripts JavaForOSX.pkg
Although the long option names are used in these examples for clarity, each of the spkg options also has a single-character alias. For example, ‑‑reveal-file can be abbreviated as simply ‑f. Run spkg with no arguments to see the short and long names for each option.

Checking the Package Signature from the Command Line

The spkg command also allows you to get some basic information about a package signature from the command line, without going to the Suspicious Package app. For example:

spkg --show-signature JavaForOSX.pkg

which will print a summary to the standard output, e.g.:

Signature information for "JavaForOSX.pkg"
   summary                 : Signed by "Software Update"
   trust type              : Apple Inc.
   certificate 1 (signing) : Software Update [expires Oct 24, 2019, 10:29 AM]
   certificate 2           : Apple Software Update Certification Authority [expires Oct 24, 2019, 10:29 AM]
   certificate 3 (root)    : Apple Root CA [expires Feb 9, 2035, 1:40 PM]

Note that the “trust type” shown here is the same categorization used in the Suspicious Package application, as detailed above.

For the most part, spkg ‑‑show-signature shows the same information as the ‑‑check-signature option on the standard macOS pkgutil(1) command. However, spkg also shows any verified signing time, and indicates if the package has been notarized:

Signature information for "SuspiciousPackage.pkg"
   summary                 : Signed by "Developer ID Installer: Randy Saldinger (936EB786NH)"
   trust type              : Developer ID
   notarized?              : yes
   verified signing time   : Nov 11, 2015 at 8:23 AM
   time verified by        : Apple Timestamp Certification Authority
   certificate 1 (signing) : Developer ID Installer: Randy Saldinger (936EB786NH) [expires May 20, 2019 at 8:59 PM]
   certificate 2           : Developer ID Certification Authority [expires Feb 1, 2027 at 2:12 PM]
   certificate 3 (root)    : Apple Root CA [expires Feb 9, 2035 at 1:40 PM]
As of macOS 10.15.4, pkgutil(1) includes the verified signing time (or “trusted timestamp”) in the output of the ‑‑check-signature command.

As of macOS 12 (Monterey), pkgutil(1) also includes the notarization status. In earlier versions of macOS, another option is spctl(8), as described above.

If you need to get more information about the certificate chain, you can extract the certificates in DER format and leverage other tools, such as OpenSSL x509(1). For example, this simple script extracts all of the certificates to a temporary subdirectory, and uses OpenSSL to print out some basic information from each one:

mkdir certs
if spkg --extract-certificates certs JavaForOSX.pkg 1> /dev/null; then
   for one_cert in certs/certificate_*.der; do
      echo "----------- ${one_cert} ------------"
      openssl x509 -in "${one_cert}" -inform DER -subject -nameopt multiline -startdate -noout

Run spkg with no arguments to get more information about the ‑‑extract-certificates option.